free legal help for contract negotiations
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Hilary Niles
3 years
Investigative Freelancers:
If you need help with a contract — especially negotiating for rights and legal protections — FIRE (Freelance Investigative Reporters & Editors) is offering a new pro bono Legal Consultancy. (It doesn't matter whether you've got a contract in hand or not, or even if you've already signed a contract and now have concerns about it.) We've already helped several freelancers get the fair and equitable terms they need in order to go forward with their investigations.
Also, FIRE has a virtual roundtable on freelancer liabilities coming up on Sept. 28 at 4pm ET with Monika Bauerlein (CEO of Mother Jones), Charles Glasser (former Bloomberg News Global Media Counsel) and Alexandria Bordas (investigative reporter and former freelancer). Learn about essential contract considerations, and strategies for negotiating well for yourself.
Hope to see you there,